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About us

We are also a leader in the manufacturing of fiber cables and Telecom/IT cabinets locally in Egypt.

About us

we are determined to be the luxury software development service

•Software Factory develops quality technology solutions and provides reliable support to organisations across MEA. We offer complete systems integration, E-Payment Solutions, security, business support and managed services in different ICT areas. •We are also a leader in the manufacturing of fiber cables and Telecom/IT cabinets locally in Egypt.

•Software Factory develops quality technology solutions and provides reliable support to organisations across MEA. We offer complete systems integration, E-Payment Solutions, security, business support and managed services in different ICT areas. •We are also a leader in the manufacturing of fiber cables and Telecom/IT cabinets locally in Egypt..

Our Vision

To be one of the region’s leading value-added Solution Providers and Integrators in the ICT Sector in the Middle East and Africa.

Our Mission

To be the key partner to our clients, both locally and regionally, by delivering state of the art ICT services and solutions. We strive to support our clients in delivering their business objectives and maximizing their ROI. 


We are built by a small team of highly focused

You have access to one of the most qualified and skilled IT integration services. Our Implementation and IT integration services can either form an integral part of your project delivery, or they can be used to provide technical expertise and support for limited periods.

0 %
Project On Time

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$ 0 M
Create in revenue

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0 +
Five Star on clutch

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our history

We are very proud as a company to always deliver on our word

we are founded

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70 + Programers

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100+ Projects Completed

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10+ Country office

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Our Professional Clients

Get in touch

Software develops quality technology solutions and provides reliable support to organisations across MEA.

ask us anything

Software Factory.

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